Category: In the News
The Medicine Guy Quoted on MSN
I got to share some insights on the side effects that women may experience on metformin. You can read more here: Here is a brief summary of the commentary I provided for the article: Metformin is a commonly prescribed medication for Type 2 diabetes that helps control blood sugar by reducing liver glucose production…
The Medicine Guy Quoted on Antihistamine Effectiveness
Recently, I was asked to contribute to an article on why Zyrtec may not be effective for the treatment of allergy symptoms. There are many potential reasons this can occur, including an incorrect diagnosis, a drug potency/disease severity mismatch, and a phenomenon of “tolerance” development to the medication. You can read more about my comments…
The Medicine Guy Quoted in Next Avenue
I had the opportunity to contribute to an interesting article in Next Avenue about herbal supplements and liver toxicity. This article was written in response to a recent study that found that significant numbers of individuals take supplements that have been associated with liver injury. There is limited awareness of the safety issues of many…
The Medicine Guy Quoted on Gabapentin and Kidney Disease
Check out the recent article over at Single Care where I am quoted on the use of gabapentin and kidney disease. I cared for many patients over the years who were on inappropriate doses of gabapentin based on their kidney function, so there is definitely a need to improve awareness of this!
The Medicine Guy Featured in SingleCare
I had the opportunity to contribute to a great article at SingleCare on using Nurtec during pregnancy. Alyssa did a great job with her research and narrative. Managing migraines during pregnancy is a challenge, given the limited information about the effect of most newer medications on the fetus. Give it a read!
The Medicine Guy Quoted on Cost Plus Drugs Impact
Recently, I was interviewed regarding my thoughts on how disruptive Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs will be to the industry. I admire him as an incredible entrepreneur and businessman. Not to mention, Shark Tank is one of my favorite shows and he is hands down my favorite Shark. I love the mission of his pharmacy…
The Medicine Guy Featured in Delish
I had the opportunity to contribute to an article on Delish on whether or not ingesting food products containing poppy seeds can trigger a positive drug test. This is an interesting question and one I’ve actually received numerous times. The answer may surprise you, so make sure to check out the article!
The Medicine Guy Featured in Health Central
I had the opportunity to contribute to a great article over at HealthCentral on drug interactions with SSRIs and birth control. This article looked specifically at Lexapro, but touched on the concept more broadly. Alyssa did a great job with her research and narrative. This is a frequent question and concern, especially since concurrent use…
The Medicine Guy Featured on Your Financial Pharmacist
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with the team at Your Financial Pharmacist and share my unique career journey. It has been a wonderful ride and I am grateful for every minute of it. This podcast gave me the opportunity to reflect on my career. There are several key themes that have guided…